The 3 Nutrients this Dietitian ALWAYS Eats!

Beautiful brassicas!

I know that for many people when life is busy/hectic/stressful/overwhelming…proactively and consistently choosing foods that will nourish them tends to go out the window. I possibly take it for granted that the info below is firmly embedded into my brain…I tend to always include the following 3 nutrients each day as I know how good they are for my body and mind!


As the name suggests, this is a sulphur-rich nutrient and is associated with supporting good liver health. Our liver, the ultimate detox hero, tackles a hefty to-do list including – metabolising our hormones, regulating our blood glucose levels and processing alcohol, caffeine and medications (among many things), so we really want (and need) to show it plenty of love. 

Our liver loves leafy greens

Sulforaphane is a natural plant compound and in addition to liver health, has been linked to improved heart health, digestion and may even have anti-cancer effects. These foods are rich sources of sulforaphane – broccoli, cauliflower, rocket, kale, bok choy, pak choy, radish, watercress, cabbage… so definitely include these in your daily eating.


Many New Zealanders are missing out on the benefits of a fibre-rich diet. Whether it’s due to the trend of avoiding carbs or the convenience of packaged foods (which often lack fibre compared to whole foods), our fibre intake is falling short. But fibre is crucial! It supports a healthy gut biome, lowers the risk of bowel cancer, helps maintain stable blood glucose levels, and aids in achieving a healthy weight. Boom!

Wholegrains and veggies make a winning fibre combo

We can find fibre in whole fruits and veggies (we should be aiming for 2 serves of fruit and 5+ serves of colourful veggies e-v-e-r-y day), wholegrain breads and cereals like All Bran, oats, ryevita crackers and quinoa, plus legumes, nuts and seeds. When you increase your fibre intake though, do so slowly (“go low and go slow”) and also make sure you include some extra fluid to keep things moving along inside! Some people may benefit from a fibre supplement, but always check in with your nutrition expert or health practitioner first.


Did you know that women aged 50+ and girls aged 14-18 have the highest daily calcium needs out of all humans? They require a hefty 1300mg of calcium every day! For example, in a day, you could include 2 glasses of calci-trim milk, ½ cup of Greek yogurt, 10 almonds, and a serving of broccoli to meet these requirements. If you have a teenage daughter who is not managing this amount of calcium, make sure you book in for a consult as this is the age of peak bone mass attainment which affects her bones for the rest of her life…so it is super important to get right now.

Calcium requirements are highest in 14-18 year old and 50 year+ females

If dairy isn’t your thing, you can still meet your calcium needs by eating carefully. Make sure you opt for calcium-fortified plant-based milks and high-calcium plant foods like tofu, dried figs, broccoli, spinach, and sesame seeds or tahini. Nourishing your body with these options ensures you’re getting the calcium you need to thrive.

So there you have it – three super important nutrients we need to include in our daily diet. Are you missing out on any of them? Remember, good nutrition is about more than just these three nutrients. If you’re ready for a deep dive into your personal nutritional needs for optimal health, don’t hesitate to book in for a nutrition consult. 

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