
28 Day Mental Wellness Challenge

. Feeling a bit “meh” as we cope with the ongoing demands and uncertainty of Covid-19? Then throw in shorter, colder and grey days of winter for good measure. Not to mention anything else challenging you’ve going on in your life right now! Our 28 day Mental Wellness Challenge may help support your mental health […]

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Budget-friendly Prawn & Pea Pasta

This budget-friendy and nourishing dinner recipe is brought to you by the letter P…Prawn and Pea Pasta with Pangrattato! A tongue-twister to say but a hit with the whole family to eat. Quick and easy, using pantry and freezer foods this budget-busting meal has a cost of less than $3 a serve. Boom! Silky pasta, […]

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Spiced Chicken Tagine recipe

Spiced Chicken Tagine Recipe

Here’s our very own TEA recipe for a warming Spiced Chicken Tagine with dried fruits in a sweet tomatoey sauce.

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